What Does PO Mean in Baseball? Coach Explanations

Baseball is such a game that it holds tons of abbreviations. Some of baseball’s abbreviations include ERA, RBI, FPS, BB, BF, BFK, SO, BA, SO, etc. Like them, PO in baseball is such an abbreviation that stands for PutOut. But What does PO mean in a baseball match?

PutOut credit is a thing that is given to the fielder who directly completes out of a baserunner or a batter. The process of out of physical records stepping on the bases, catching a fly ball, catching the third strike by the catcher, and so on.

Aside from putout, PO also means Pitcher Only in non-professional baseball. There are things to be explained regarding this term. So, let’s not be late; rather jump into the topic for more explanation.

What Does PO Mean in Baseball?

PO refers to PutOut in baseball

PO- PutOut in Baseball

The abbreviation of PO refers to Put Out in baseball. This is a credit to a defensive player given to fielders who physically record an out to an opposing team. In this case, the fielder needs to take some steps to get the credit.

The putout goes through several steps like catching fly balls, tagging baserunners, catching the third strikeout, batted ball catching, infield ground balls, etc.; only then does the scorer consider and give the PO credit to the fielders.

Basically, the first basemen are the players mostly credited with the putout by catching ground balls in the field. By the way, the putout PO is not a traditional statistic that could judge a player with his capability.

It is basically a skill that fielders show on the baseball field. Mostly a first baseman and the catchers.

In a more simple way, you may follow the definition of mlb.com of Putout PO:

A fielder is given credit with a putout when he is the fielder. He physically records the act of completing an out.

What Is Pitcher Only (PO) in High School Baseball and Collegiate Baseball?

PO also refers to Pitcher Only in high school and collegiate basebal

On the other hand, PO also refers to Pitcher Only. As the name shows, the player is fixed only for playing baseball as a pitcher according to the coach’s nod. And opposingly, the pitcher-only players don’t play other positions either.

This system mainly works in high school and collegiate level games, but not Major League Baseball. 

Many school baseball coaches believe that pitcher-only player gets more advantages in their role than players who play in multiple positions.

As a result, most players work with multiple drills, but the pitcher-only role only does pitching drills with a dedicated coach. The theory behind it is the more time a pitcher only spends on pitching drills for accuracy or pitching practice, the more he will master the mechanics and become the best pitcher.

What Is Assist in Baseball Game?

From the previous discussion, you might understand that the putout PO baseball is given to a fielder who directly records the actual out. On the other hand, the player who last touches the ball and catches throws it to the player who records the out is called an assist.

Like football, where a particular player records a goal, there are players who assist the goaler to goal with the ball.

By the way, an assist could be anyone. It could be an infielder who throws the ball to a first baseman or an outfielder as well.

But, the pitcher role is not considered an assist by all mean in baseball.

Who Gets The PutOut Credit?

Essentially, a fielder receives the credit of PutOut, as the PutOut is only credited for the defensive players. By the way, assisted and unassisted putout could both happen in getting PO in baseball.

If any player throws the ball to another player who records the actual out is assisted PO. On the other hand, if a player directly records a putOut without any assistance, this is an unassisted putOut.

However, in baseball, basically, catchers and first basemen recorded and credited the most number of putouts as they mainly play in the PO position.

The catchers get the credit when they catch the strikes. Except for the third strikeout if they drop it and have to throw to the first baseman. This will be credited to the first baseman.

And the first basemen records the putOut by catching the ground balls.

What Are the Ways a Player Can Get Putout?

There are several ways to get credited with a putOut. Among them, some are mentioned below.

Ways a Fielder Can Get PO Credit

Catching a Fly Ball

Catching a fly ball is one of the ways to get credited with a PO. In this case, mostly outfielders are involved with this. Any ball that is fielding and caught is in the flyout. Also, the balls that pop up inside the infield and are caught also be considered fly putOut.

If the batter hits a ball in the could zone and catch by a fielder also be considered as a fly ball putOut.

Force Play

A force out is defined as when a baserunner is forced to leave the current base to the next base and get out before reaching the base. This happens when the batter hits a ground ball and has to run for the immediate next base. 

And in this situation, the baserunner in the first base (B1) has to leave the base. If the fielder can tag him before reaching the next base, the baserunner is defined as force out or force play.

But, if there is no runner on the first base, the baserunner on the second base will not be forced to leave his base. He can stay on this if he wishes.

Tag Play of Batted Ball

A tag play or tagged out is another way to get a putOut by the fielders. The fielder who tagged the ball on the baserunner will be credited in this case.

This happens when a baserunner advances for the next base and the fielder tag the baserunner with the ball in his hand instead of tagging the base. And another rule for tag out is that the batted ball is not mandatory. This could happen when the baserunner tries to steal the base.

Appeal Play

Appeal play is another frequent occurrence in getting putOut. In an appeals game, the defensive players ask the umpire to decide that the batting side violated the rules. The player who appealed will be given credit for the putOut if the umpire declares a catch or tag event to be out due to the appeal.

Ground Ball Outs

In the ground balls, there is a particular rule. If any fielder catches a ground ball and tags the batter or the baserunner, he will get the credit. On the other hand, if the fielder throws the ball to another fielder for an out, he will not get the credit.


One of the most common ways to get credit for putOut is strikeouts. When I used to play baseball, my team’s catcher used to get the credit for strikeouts by catching the balls that the batter missed through the strike zone.

The catcher also can get the credit of tagging out if he tags a baserunner from the third base to the home plate. But if the catcher throws the ball to the first base after tagging out the baserunner to the home plate and getting the player out, he will not get the credit for the second out.

Interference Play

The interference play is such an astonishing way to get credit for the putOut. Another name for interference play is ‘Offensive Interference.” There are 4 types of interference plays basically occur. Among them, two are considered as and credited as putOut.

#1. Offensive Interference

Suppose you are a defensive fielder trying to catch a fly ball or make a play. In this case, the batting team or a player from the batting team blocks your path to make the play. Simply, the player who tries to block your path will be called out.

And you or the blocked player will get the credit for PO.

#2. Fan Interference

There is something weird and stupid about this putOut credit. Baseball fans in America frequently exhibit crazy for the game. They occasionally make an effort to enter the field and catch the balls.

The hitter will be ruled out if a fan approaches the field, fields a fly ball or ground ball, or otherwise touches the ball. And a PutOut point will be awarded to the defender who was attempting to catch the ball.

Here is the compilation of some insane putouts:

The Top 5 All-Time Highest PO Holders in Major League Baseball

Baseball is a game of records. All types of records by the players are recorded officially whenever they do something special. Only not that, each and every statistic of any player are also recorded officially.

By the way, as one of the skills, there are players who hold the top positions for getting the highest putOut credits as well. Here is a brief on the top 5 players in baseball history who hold the record with the highest putOut credits.

Jacob Peter Beckley (Jake Beckley)

Jacob Peter Beckley, also known as Jake Beckley was an American baseball player who played baseball as a first baseman. He professionally played baseball in Major League baseball from 1888 to 1907.

He is the highest putout holder credited with 23,767 putouts in his 20 MLB season career. He played for Pittsburgh Burghers, New York Giants, and Cincinnati Reds respectively. He was inducted into the National Hall of Fam in 1971.

All time PO record holders in baseball

Adrian Constantine Anson (Cap Anson)

Adrian Constantine Anson, also known as Cap Anson, is an American baseball player who played baseball as a first baseman in MLB. He played 27 MLB seasons and recorded 22572 putout credits in his career.

Most of his career time was on the Chicago Cubs. He also managed the team New York Giants in his career. Cap Anson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1939.

Ed Konetchy

Ed Konetchy joined the La Cross Blackhawks at his 19th. In the 1904’s National League baseball, in his first league, his team ended up in the fifth position while he acquired a .324 batting average with 8 home runs.

After debuting in the MLB with the St. Louis Cardinals, he ended up his 15 MLB career seasons with 21,378 career putouts. His life ended up in 1911 due to a horrific train crash only after 4 years after debuting in the MLB.

Eddie Murray

Eddie Murray was a former designated hitter and first baseman. He has career putouts records of 21,265 which brings him the number 4 record holder among the other players.

He is also considered the 5th best first baseman in baseball history of all time after playing 21 MLB seasons.

Eddie Murray, on the other hand, was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2003. Also, he is one of the 100 greatest baseball players in baseball history.

Charlie Grimm

Charlie Grimm was the first baseman in MLB from 1916 to 1936. He played for Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Chicago Cubs in his baseball career.

He recorded career putouts of 20,722 in his 20 MLB career seasons. He also inducted into the Chicago Cubs Hall of Fame

Here are another 5 career putout record holders of the top 10 of all time.

  1. Stuffy McInnis – 20,120 putouts in 19-seasons.
  2. Mickey Vernon– 19,819 putouts in 20-seasons.
  3. Jake Daubert– 19,634 in 15-seasons.
  4. Lou Gehrig- 19,525 putouts in 17-season.
  5. Joe Kuhel– 19,386 putouts in 18-season

Top 10 Single Season Putout Records

1Jiggs Donahue 18461907
2High Pockets Kelly17591920
3Phil Todt17551926
4Wally Pipp 17101926
5Jiggs Donahue16971906
6Candy LaChance16911904
7Tom Jones 16871907
8Ernie Banks 16821965
9Wally Pipp16671922
10Lou Gehrig16621927

Frequently Asked Question

What does SBA mean in baseball?

SBA refers to Stolen Base Attempts in baseball. This means the total number of attempts a base runner takes to steal the base.

What’s BB mean in baseball?

BB refers to Base on Ball or Walk. This happens when a pitcher throws 4 pitches out of the strike zone, and the batter can prevent himself from swinging the bat.

As a result, he is awarded a walk which allows him to advance to the next base.

What does SS mean in baseball?

SS refers to Shortstop. It is one of the fielding positions on the baseball field between the third base and the second base bag.

The shortstop is regarded as the infielders’ captain. In the infield, he accepts the hit ball’s charges. Converse with the infielders as well.

The shortstop’s primary duty is to precisely grab and send the ball to the second baseman who is protecting the second base bag.

Wrapping Up PO in Baseball

Explaining “what does PO mean in baseball” refers to two terms. One is putout, and another is pitcher only. By the way, putout is the most mentioned one here.

It is a part of baseball that is a great skill but not counted as an important baseball terminology. However, it is a high level of skill that the catcher and the first baseman mostly record.

Though this skill is not that discussed widely, it can even change the track of the game sometimes. Good fielding always brings something fruitfully for the defensive team. 

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