Do Postseason Stats Count In Career Stats MLB?

Last Updated on February 27, 2022

Hey coach, “Do Postseason stats count in the career stats MLB?” Every now and then I hear this question in the practice field. From every rookie to all wannabe major league players often think about this question and get confused.

So, I decided to write an article to make everybody (at least my students) clear about this.

As a coach for seven years, I have found many promising stars asking me the question when it comes to postseason games.

Postseason Stats Do Not Count In Career Stats MLB

What is the Regular season in MLB?

Let’s look into the regular season in MLB first. The regular season in MLB usually starts with an official opening day in March or at an early time in April. After the official season starts, it runs for Twenty-six and a half weeks.

The time can run till the September Sunday of the last week or the Sunday of the first week of October.

Then what is the Postseason period?

The postseason is just after the regular season period. It stays till early November. But from time to time it can be extended by the official decisions by the authority. In 2021, the postseason started on October 5, while the regular season ended on the third.

Let’s see, tell me more about the postseason!

If you are new to the postseason, then you should know about the trends of the postseason game right now. Therefore, thinking of you as a rookie player, I am going to explain it in an easy way to you.

Right now Postseason games happen between the winners of the American League Championship Series (ALCS) and the winners of the National League Champion Series (NLCS). The game is played in a Wild Card form. If you get knocked out, then you are out of the whole game.

Right now, a minimum of 26 and a maximum of 43 games can happen in the postseason.

Only The Top Players Get The Chance To Play In Postseason

So, why are postseason stats not counted in career stats MLB?

First of all, I should say, it isn’t part of any book or law that postseason cannot be counted as career stats. But for some reason, it has always been an eliminated part of carried stats in MLB. I can just show you some reasons. You can understand from them why postseason performance is postseason performance only, not part of the regular season.

2021 Postseason Schedule (

Past World Series

As we all know, right now the postseason has crossed over many metamorphoses. The world series was developed not for regular games, but rather for a showcase for everyone. It remained as an exhibition till 1969.

Complications in the game

After 1969, postseason games had passed the stage of two rounds and three rounds between the Americans and the National League players. In 2012, Wild Card Playoff systems were chosen at last to put the complicated methods at rest.

As a result, the knockout game system was preferred and till now, it is going on in full swing.

Not part of the regular season

As the regular season is made of even numbers of games and does not get to an uneven number of games which actually complicates the stats, the postseason cannot be originally called the part of the regular season.

As the wild card playing system knocks a team off of the chart all of a sudden, the MLB players cannot be judged with the performance based on uncertain scenarios.

Training Purpose

As the teams collide, the stats also collide between two types of leagues. While the regular season is played seriously for the career as well as baseball targets, The postseason is mainly played for training purposes between the top teams. Not everyone takes part in it.

Dissimilar Play

Yes, in many ways, the regular season vibe is not present in the postseason. The intensity of the games is high, as most of the major players are playing. The teams are also the best of the bests.

Not Everyone Plays

Yes, not all the players get the chance to play in the postseason. As the battles happen between big teams, only the most experienced players are chosen as team members. So, in a way, the unfair policy cannot make all the players part of the postseason, which makes them eligible for stats.

Now you know the answer of "Do postseason stats count in career stats MLB." It was a boring topic. Wasn't it? Let me tell you some funny Baseball riddles and Jokes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do playoff stats count towards career stats?

No. If playoff stats were counted, then many players would suffer. Playoff stats are not counted in career stats as that is not part of the regular-season games.

Do postseason home runs count for career stats?

Postseason home runs do not count for career stats as the postseason’s purpose is mainly for exhibition and training. Only the regular season games’ home runs are counted for career stats.

Do all star game stats count?

This is an exhibition game, most players play it for exhibition and training purposes. So, these stats are not supposed to be part of the regular season stats. Even from the beginning, they are left in different stats.

Do game 163 stats count?

163 games are basically part of the regular season in MLB. So, these counts are taken in the career stats of the players. But the stats if formatted into the postseason, then they are not counted anymore in the career stats.

Do spring training stats count?

Spring training stats are not part of the regular season and they do not count for the career stats. If you are a rookie, then you should be serious about the game, although the stats are not part of the main career stats.

The Final Answer – Do Postseason Stats Count In Career Stats MLB Or Not

The answer is – No. It is not counted as their career stats.

Although the players sometimes keep the stats, they are not their main career stats. Only regular-season playing stats are counted in the career stats for Major League Players.

Games like postseason and all-star-game are not regular-season games. So, you cannot expect them to be integrated into the career stats in MLB. But still, they are counted and kept at a separate stat.

If you are interested in a player’s postseason stats, you can find it online. But not in the regular season starts.


You were searching for the answer to the question of “Do postseason stats count in career stats MLB?” I hope I made it clear to you. If you are a rookie in the field or a newbie, then you should take the postseason stats of the players into account too for understanding their different playing styles from time to time.

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