Bat Rolling And Shaving – Can You Do It Or Not? A Detailed Guide

Cheating is hated in every sport. But the fact is people cheat in sports, and therefore, every sports authority has some specific rules, and if anybody cheats, they have specific punishment for that. 

If you have come here to learn about bat rolling and shaving, I hope you got a decent intro about what I am going to say later in this article. But don’t make your decision too early. Sometimes, things are not as it looks, isn’t it?  Baseball rules are vast and complicated. 

There are many companies that offer bat rolling services; some sell rolled bats. If that bat is illegal, why do people take those services? I will discuss everything in this article. So, stay with me. Just don’t make your decision based on one or two-line snippets on Google. Learn the detail. 

What is Bat Rolling?

Bat rolling enhances the break-in system of composite bats. The process is not that complex. A rolling machine is used to execute this process. The bat is placed in between the rolling machine. 

A rolling machine has two rollers, and the composite bat is placed in-between them. The bat will be placed horizontally. Bats are sometimes heated and often compressed. Modern machines use a technology called heat rolling -basically heating up the bat before it’s rolled.

The bat will stay in the machine for a few minutes until the operator is convinced that the bat is ready to play. 

Bat rolling process
Photo By Batrolling4u

Most people think that this process improves the performance of the composite bat. To some extent, that’s true. The purpose of this process is to make your bat hotter so that the bat can be playable in a real match. 

You can do that by hitting the ball with the bat. But the machine makes the process faster. Typically it needs 500 hits before you can use it in the match. The rolling process just does that job for you. 

So, I hope now you understand the benefit of the rolling process with a machine. This process will break your composite bat faster. Another crucial factor is the bat should be broken evenly. 

You don’t have to rotate your bat between swings if the bat is broken evenly. Bat rolling services are not free; they come to a price. Bat rolling companies charge from USD 30 to USD 100 dollars for bat rolling service. 

So, if you own composite bats, you can take the service of a company to break in a bat for you, or you can do that by yourself by hitting with the bat. 

Is Bat Rolling Illegal? 

NO, as bat rolling is not illegal. Instead, all-composite bats must be rolled in the testing period before they are permitted to play. So, if anyone rolling is illegal, he is telling the completely opposite thing. Composite bats must be hotter before players use them on the ground. This is important for the safety of the players and also in the field. 

I have been working as a school baseball coach now for more than 5 years now. So, I have to know the rules about bat rolling for schools in depth. From my knowledge, high school and little league associations DO NOT claim bat rolling is illegal. However, many people say that this is illegal because it enhances performance. 

But for your kind information, bat rolling does not enhance the performance. It just accelerates the process of breaking in, which is totally fair. It’s not increasing the performance of the bat; rolling is just a process to make the playable bat faster. 

But sometimes, players and some companies go beyond the legal rolling process and use some unfair means to improve the bat performance. That’s when bat rolling becomes illegal. But we have a new term for that,” Bat Shaving.” 

What is Bat Shaving

Bat shaving is the following process of bat rolling. But not every bat is shaved as it is not legal in any form of match. 

 Expert technicians thin the inside wall of the composite bat’s barrel. The purpose of bat shaving is to hit the ball further. In this process of bat shaving, the bat’s end cap is removed using a CNC lathe machine. 

In easy words, bat shaving is the thinning process of a bat’s barrel from inside. This process greatly impacts the bat’s performance, increasing the bat’s trampoline effect. While shaving a bat, you have to remove the end cap, where a type of lathe then removes shavings on the inner diameter of the bat. 

bat shaving process
Photo By Bigdawgbatrolling

When the bat gets thin, it becomes lighter and contains more trampoline effects than permitted by the authorities. 

Both rolling and shaving shorten the lifespan of a baseball bat. Moreover, the durability of the bat is severely hampered. 

Is bat Shaving Illegal? 

In all baseball and softball associations, bat shaving is considered “Illegal.”As a matter of fact, bat shaving is regarded as “Altering a bat.” As a school-level baseball coach, I am referring to the code for bat shaving: 

The language in the National Federation of High Schools concerning bat altering:

Article 2a/3: 

“…Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance are prohibited and render the bat illegal.” 

Little League’s written statement 

“No bat, in any level of Little League Baseball or Softball play, is permitted to be altered. This is of particular concern, especially when it is clearly done to enhance performance and violate bat standards. ” 

The NFHS recommendation 

Article 2d: “Note: The NFHS has been advised that certain manufactures [sic] consider alternation, modification and “doctoring” of their bats to be unlawful and subject to civil and, under certain circumstances, criminal action.”

A shaved bat does not maintain the association’s distance restrictions on bats. Therefore, a shaved bat is not allowed in any level of official baseball sports apart from practice sessions. 

What is the difference between Bat Rolling and Bat Shaving?


The primary contrast between bat rolling and bat shaving is the methodology utilized to tweak the bat. Bat rolling involves using a specialized machine to compress the bat’s fibers, generating a “break-in” effect that can heighten the bat’s responsiveness. Conversely, bat shaving entails literally shaving off sections of the bat to alter its weight and balance.


The outcome of bat rolling and bat shaving is also noticeably different. To achieve the desired outcomes, players need to understand the fundamentals of how the brain operates. On the other hand, bat shaving is done to decrease the weight of the bat and make it more wieldy.


Another significant divergence is whether bat rolling and bat shaving are sanctioned in your locale. Rolling a bat before a game is commonly accepted as legal in baseball. However, because shaving a bat alters its weight and balance, it is unlawful and proscribed by most baseball leagues.


One more important contrast between bat rolling and bat shaving is safety. Shaving a bat can significantly alter its weight and balance, increasing the peril of injury to the player or others on the field. Bat rolling, conversely, is a more secure option as it doesn’t affect the bat’s weight or balance as much.


Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that the cost of bat rolling and bat shaving can vary considerably. Bat rolling equipment can be expensive to buy or rent, and the procedure itself may take some time. However, bat shaving is often done by an expert and can be quite pricey.

Other important Facts on Bat Rolling and Shaving on Composite bats

  • Should I take Bat rolling Services for baseball bats? 

This is a common question that I hear from my students frequently. Maybe they hear about it from a senior player, on talk shows, or on youtube videos, but they are not certain whether it is worth it or not. 

I came to know about this topic in 2006 and was very intrigued. Then I started researching this topic more and more. I found some companies that provide bat rolling services. There are also bat-rolling machines. I bought one for myself to test whether this thing works or not. 

I rolled some men’s slow-pitch Easton Synergy Extended bat. I went to the field with the bat, and I was shocked to see the result. The ball was going further and much further than I anticipated. 

As a result, I was convinced that bat rolling does work and works nicely. I also started a  bat rolling business myself, but I closed the business after joining the school baseball club.

But I always recommend my students to have their bats rolled. 

  • Can Bat Rolling be detected?

I can’t remember how many times I have heard this question. And the answer is, Yes; you can detect whether a bat is rolled or not. If it is not rolled perfectly, it is easier to identify that the bat has been rolled and rolled badly. 

I have read in some forums and blogs that there are lines or ridges on the bat after rolling. They are the signs of bad rolling. Expert rollers can fix those. 

Even a bat is perfectly rolled, that is also possible to tell whether it is rolled or not. On some bats, you will see “roller marks” after being rolled. There are some cleaning ingredients to clean those roller marks. But they can not remove the marks entirely. 

But why bother? As bat rolling is not illegal, why should you try to hide it? That is another question I can not figure out. 

  • Does bat rolling shorten the lifespan of the bat? 

This is a long-debated question.

Yes, some say that bat rolling shoots the bat’s life because of the barrel’s carbon fiber breakdown. On the other hand, those who are against it say that it increases the bat’s lifespan, making the bat more solid across the barrel without any hot or dead spots.  

I talked with some national-level coaches, and they are not certain about this topic. Many of them told me that the natural process makes the bat much hotter than using a bat rolling. But there is no proven method. 

But the common perception is bat rolling shortens the durability of the bat. 

  • Does bat shaving work?

Yes, bat shaving works, which Penn state university has proven. 62 ft was the highest distance they got, and 30-60 ft was the average distance. As a result, without any doubt bat travels more distance with a shaved bat rather than a regular bat. 

bat shaving works

  • How to tell if a bat has been shaved?

It is easy to tell if a bat has been shaved with the right equipment. The easiest way is to open up the end cap and look down the barrel. As bat shaving thinner the inner side, you can easily identify that. 

Another way to identify bat shaving efficiently is by using a compression tester. That machine will measure the stiffness of the composite barrel and check it with the allowable limit. 

The last way is my favorite one. I don’t need any machine or to look inside. I just take the bat and hit with it. If you have experience with baseball, you can say whether the bat is shaved or not with just one pure hit. 

  • What are bat-shaving services?

Some companies offer bat-shaving services with CNC lathe machines. You can shave your machine by taking their services. But be aware. doesn’t matter what they tell. Bat shaving is not legal in any format in the game unless you are playing in your backyard. 

  • Does bat shaving Improve Performance?

Yes, bat shaving improves the hitting ability of the bat by a great instant. And that is proven by several academies. That’s why bat shaving is illegal. 


Bat rolling and shaving are the two most confusing terms for every young baseball player. As a coach, I hear about this topic every day. Now I hope the matter is clear. 

To sum up, Bat rolling is a legal method to break in the composite bat. There are some companies that provide these services. You can take that without any hesitation. But bat shaving is illegal and banned in every form of baseball. It’s cheating. So, don’t even think about bat shaving without a special practice session.

More Resources

How To Make A Bat Rolling Machine?

What Baseball Bats Are Used In High School?

9 Reasons Why Are Softball Bats So Expensive

How to Clean a Baseball Bat?

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