The batting average is a type of calculation that helps the authority, fans, and other persons to measure the success rate of the batters. It is measured by the number of hits and by the number of at-bats. The batting average is also a traditional process to measure the baseball player’s success rate. However, a good batting average is over .300 and excellent over .400.
What is a good batting average is an inseparable part of the baseball. It helps the authority to choose the right players for MLB and also sets the players in the right position. Overall, it is hard enough to avoid a batting average for a team.
To measure the batting average and also know details about this term, I would love to suggest you read out whole article. In this article, I will share my experience, baseball expert experience, and other information that provides you with a complete idea.
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Top 10 all-time MLB batting averages Chart
From this chart, you will discover the top 10 MLB batting average players chart. Moreover, you will also discover their success rate to avoid searching their information here and there.
Rank | Player | Batting Average |
1 | Ty Cobb | .366 |
2 | Rogers Hornsby | .358 |
3 | Joe Jackson | .356 |
4 | Ed Delahanty | .346 |
5 | Tris Speaker | .345 |
6 | Billy Hamilton | .344 |
7 | Ted Williams | .344 |
8 | Dan Brouthers | .342 |
9 | Harry Heilmann | .342 |
10 | Babe Ruth | .342 |
Source: mlb website
What does batting average mean?
The batting average is a type of measurement that MLB uses for batters’ success rate. It’s an integral part of baseball statistics. The authority measures the baseball batting average with the number of hits and by the number of at-bats.
The result always comes with the decimal result and the authority public their batting average with decimal number. Batting average is always important to know about the batter’s current and previous success rate.
The batting average is popular among the baseball fans. However, sometimes the coach and the baseball players avoid the batting average because it doesn’t include game walks, total bases, extra-base hits, etc.
Overall, the authority always provides an average score of batting rates of the players which helps them to choose the right players for MLB. Undoubtedly, batting average is an essential part of the baseball world.
What Is a Good Batting Average?
The statics shows that for the MLB players and the Minor Major League players, a batting average should be higher than .300 is considered good. A good college batting average is higher than .400. On the other hand, the high school batting average is more than .500.
These batting averages are enough to understand different types of skills and the batting average. So, what about the players and their good batting average? Check out the following section to understand about the top baseball batting average players.
First, Ty Cobb is a good batting-average baseball player. He batted .366 over a 24-year career. Moreover, he hit 4,189. Overall, he comes in the top position for a good batting average.
Secondly, Rogers Hornsby is another good batting average-created player on my list. He hits .358 with 2,930 hits in his entire career 23 seasons.
Third, Joe Jackson is another awesome batter in baseball. He is also known for his good batting average. He batted .356 and played 13 years. The batting average is good enough.
These three good batting average baseball players are popular. However, I hope that the above chart helps you to get a clear concept about the top 7 good batting average players.
How Do You Calculate Batting Average?
To calculate the batting average, you have to divide the player’s Hits by the player’s total At-Bats for a number below zero. It comes with a decimal number but you can also read out the average rate without a decimal number.
A hit is also called a base hit. The hit is counted when the batter successfully hits the ball and falls down on the ground. On the other hand, an at-bat is a term which also used to calculate the batting average. When the batter faces the pitcher, the batter is created with an at-bat.
However, batting average is the oldest way to measure the success rate of the batter. The authority measured the success rate of the batter so that they could make the right decision.
To specify the calculation of the batter average you have to subtract the player’s total Hits and At-bats. This one helps you to get more accurate calculations.
To calculate the batter average, you need to use at-bats and also need to count the hitting of the batter. It is truly important to know the batter’s good average so that you can easily understand the success rate of the batter.
How Important Is Batting Average?
The batting average is a traditional calculation to know the success rate of a batter. It helps the MLB authority to take a quick view of the batter’s success rate and take the next step.
Undoubtedly, batting average is essential for baseball fans, authority, and players. Moreover, the coach also takes the steps of the players to increase the batting average of a bad batting average player.
On the other hand, the batting average also helps the team to set the batter in the right numbers. Because the batting average helps the team to understand which position is suitable for the batters.
Overall, knowing the batting average of a player always plays a vital role in winning the game. So, you may hardly avoid the batting average to measure the success rate of a batter on the baseball.
What Is a Perfect Batting Average?
In modern times, a season batting average is .300 or higher. .300 is measured as the excellent batting average of a player. A player who has a .300 batting average is also called a good batting average batter in baseball.
On the contrary, .400 is also considered an unachievable goal. Based on the youth, school, and other types of batters, the batting average comes with different rates without any doubts.
According to my research, some of the statistics show that a perfect batting average is .250. Moreover, the professional baseball players thought that .300 or higher is perfect and a good enough batting average for the baseball batters.
Source: Wikipedia
Minor League Batting Average
Minor league baseball’s (MLB) batting average is .300. Most of professional baseball experts believe that the MLB batting average should be above .300 to count as a good batting average.
Moreover, most of the good batters score an average of .250 consistently from season to season. .250 is also considered a good batting average without any doubts.
From my point of view, the minor league batting average should be .250 to .300. Over .300 batting average should be counted excellent batting average for a baseball player.
College Batting Average
A batting average over .400 should be considered a good college batting average. A top college batting average often comes with a .500 batting average in a season.
Depending on the batter’s experience, performance, and other factors, they have different batting averages. A good college batting average should be between .400 to .500 without any doubts.
However, college baseball is great for the traditional level and helps the players to be ready to jump into the professional baseball sport. So, .400 or over .400 is considered a good batting average at this stage.
High School Batting Average
The high school batting average is different from college and youth baseball players. However, the high school batting average is .500 or over .500 in major league baseball.
After analysis over 10 years of data collection using the BABIP, the high school batting average number of players is .340. But, BABIP suggested that the high school batting average should be above .500.
Whatever a good high school batting average should be over .500 but .340 is also counted as a good high school batting average.
Youth Batting Average
The batting average of youth is not focused on counting the batting average but they focus on the players to develop fundamental skills. It is their main goal which helps them to jump to the next level.
The batting average of the youth league is quite high because the pitchers are still slower and trying to develop their speed. That’s why the average hits are higher.
However, the youth batting average above .600 would be considered good. But, youth players are not focused on the batting average. They always focus on developing the fundamentals of baseball.
A Table of Skill Level & Batting Average of a Baseball Player
From this table, you will discover MLB, Minor League, College, High School, and youth batting averages. So, let’s break down the following table.
Skill Level | Batting Average |
MLB | .300 |
Minor League | .300 |
College | .400 |
High School | .500 |
Youth | .600 |
What Is the Worst Batting Average?
There are plenty of worst batting average players in baseball and Bill Bergen is one of them. According to my research, his batting average is .170 which is truly bad enough.
Jeff Mathis is another player who is counted as the worst batting average player in baseball. This batting average is .194. This batting average is truly bad enough while a good batting average is over .300.
Here, I am going to share with you the top 5 worst batting average players. I hope that you can easily understand their batting average rates and also measure the success rate. So, let’s get started.
Player Name | Batting Average |
Joey Gallo | .197 |
Mike Zunino | .199 |
Martín Maldonado | .206 |
Cy Young | .210 |
Davy Force | .211 |
Source: Statmuse
FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)
Q: What does batting .250 mean?
Answer: In professional baseball, .250 means the batting average score on the baseball. It is a measurement that helps people to understand about the batter success rate.
Q: What is a typical batting average?
Answer: The typical batting average is .250. But, over .300 is a good batting average for a baseball player. Moreover, based on the skill level of the players, the typical batting average is dependent.
Q: Is batting average still important?
Answer: Though batting average is a traditional way to measure the success rate of the batter, it is still important. Why? Because it helps the authority to understand the batter and also helps the fan to take a clear concept about the batter.
Wrapping Up!
What is a good batting average? The straightforward answer is over .300. The measurement of the batting average depends on several factors. However, youth, college, and minor league players have different batting averages because of their skill level. I hope that all of the sections provide you with a complete idea about this matter to get a clear concept.
More Resources
Average Baseball Pitch Speed By Age And Type
Major League Baseball Rain Delay Rules
What Is A No Hitter In Baseball?

Hello everyone. My name is Jason Butler, and I live in California, America. I was a professional AAA Minor League Baseball player. I lost my chance of playing MLB for injury issues, but I did not lose my love for baseball. I attended the coaching training program and am now working as a coach in a small school in San Diego.
I always love to share my experience and knowledge if that can help you. Play baseball, and stay fit.