Softball Bat Vs Baseball Bat: Differences You Don’t Know

Last Updated on September 22, 2023

My first-year baseball players are frequently confused about “what is the difference between a softball and baseball bat”. Because these two games and their equipment are almost identical. 

Not only junior players but also many sports fans become confused about these two sports and sports equipment. During training, I usually make clear things to the trainees so that they can these misunderstandings do not worsen in the future.

Therefore, I’ll go through the key points of that extra session here. If you’re unsure about softball bats vs baseball bats, I hope this clarifies things for you.

Softball Bats vs Baseball Bats

Softball Game and Baseball Game: A Quick Overview 

Despite the fact that today’s major topic is softball vs baseball bat, I believe it is important to discuss the original game at this point.

If one does not have a comprehensive understanding of the two games, it might be difficult to grasp the differences between the equipment (bat) of these two games 

Let’s go into the overview of softball and baseball:


Softball is a sport that involves teams of nine players competing against one other. Softball is a baseball-like activity with a few significant differences.

Such as, 

  • Balls are delivered underhand instead of overhand, 
  • Softballs are bigger than baseballs, 
  • Softball is performed on something like a shorter field than baseball, making it a quicker game generally.


Baseball is widely recognized as the United States’ national pastime or sport. Baseball is a game played between two teams competing on an enclosed baseball diamond under the direction of a manager and the rules of one or more umpires.

Baseball is a team sport in which two groups of nine players compete against each other. While one side is on defense or fielders, and the other one is on offense batters.

What Are Baseball and Softball Bats?

When I talk to trainees about this, the first thing I talk about is the use of bats. In other words, I will give a short introduction to baseball and softball bats. 

So, in this case, I’ll start with that and then go into the history of these two bats. Then I’ll go through the fundamentals so you have a good understanding of these two bats.

Differences between Softball and Baseball Field

Softball Bats

Softball bats are formed like cylinders, with a six-inch length and an 86-centimeter diameter. Softball bats are available in a variety of materials, including wood, aluminum, and alloys. It is also used to hit the ball to score runs. 

If you’re thinking about a query, can you use a baseball bat in softball? 

Then I will tell you that it is up to you because at first you need to know the rules of both games, using the bats and baseball and softball bat differences. Gradually you will get to know whether you can use the baseball bat in softball or not.

Baseball Bats

The most popular scoring instrument in baseball is a baseball bat. The barrel or head of the bat is thicker, with a bump at the bottom where athletes place their palms. When confronting a pitcher, a bat is utilized to attack and bunt the pitch at the same time.

After learning about their usage and parts of their identities, you’re undoubtedly curious about the distinctions between these two bats, even if their responsibilities are the same. 

But do you know the history behind the softball and baseball bats?

If you don’t know then you should know the history of these bats because history can help you in understanding softball vs baseball bat. So, let’s know the history behind these two bats.

History of Softball Bats

Softball is a competitive sport that is related to baseball. The original softball bat dates back to 1887 when George Hancock founded the sport. Worth was the first to offer aluminum bats in 1970, and single-walled titanium softball bats debuted in 1993.

Composite bats first made their debut in 2000, but it wasn’t long until composite softball bats were battling with the industry’s best metal bats.

History of Baseball Bats

As per corporate tradition, Bud, just 17 years old, designed the first professional bat for Pete Browning in 1884. Bud took a break from business one spring day to witness the Eclipse. Browning was a major player for the Eclipse, Louisville’s big-league baseball team.

He decided to make a replacement for Browning’s bat when he witnessed it break in the woodshop. Browning had three hits with the bat Bud made in the next game, according to the article.

Softball Bat Vs Baseball Bat

Bats for baseball and softball come in a variety of shapes and sizes. These variations are occasionally due to the rules of the system, but more often than not, they are due to how the game is being played or who is participating in it.

Therefore, I am going to discuss with you the baseball and softball bat differences mentioned below:

Barrel Differences

  • Baseball Bats: Baseballs aren’t as long as other sports. It helps you to hit the ball at the perfect spot. You may offer the baseball more area of contact and create a link by making the barrel a little bigger.

For example,  Axe Element Bat. Though the bat has an aluminum barrel instead of wood, it is lighter and strong.

  • Softball Bats: The ball in softball is bigger, a thicker barrel is not required. With a softball, a broader barrel increases your chances of hitting a fly ball.

A baseball bat’s barrel is typically 2-5/8″, whereas a softball bat’s barrel is often 2-1/4″. The softball bat’s lighter barrel takes pressure reduced, letting participants hit quickly and get the ball into action sooner leading to rapid response times.

Barrel Differences of Baseball and Softball

Weight Differences 

When the question arises ‘what is the difference between a softball and baseball bat?’, you should know the weight differences.

Let’s see what the difference is between these two bats. 

  • Weight of Softball Bats: The usual bat weight in slow-pitch is around 28 ounces. Because you should create all of the force and distance on a pitch with your own force, bat speed, and solid impact, most classic softball slow pitch bats are significantly heavier than that.
  • Weight of Baseball Bats: Baseball bats should follow the -3 rule and these rules imply the bat has to be within 3 ounces of its diameter in weight. If the bat is 33 inches in length, it must probably weigh 30 ounces. Baseball bats weight is noticeably more than softball bats and also shorter. 

Handle Differences

Softball bat vs baseball bat can be described by knowing the bats feature distinct handles, despite their similar appearance. The distinctions are minor, but you must examine them attentively to discover them. Here are the differences between these two handles:

  • Baseball Bat Handle: Baseball bats have wider and longer grips than softball bats. The reason for the variation in handle design is dependent on the size of the pitch as well as how the bat meets it in the two games.
  • Softball Bat Handle: A softball bat’s slimmer and smaller handle is identical to the lighter barrel. It’s all geared to assist you to get the ball in the air by swinging the bat quicker through the area.
Baseball Bat Handles VS Softball Bat Handle

Length Differences

The most notable distinction between softball and baseball bats is their length. There is only about 2 or 1 inches contrast between the different bats. Here are the length differences between these two bats:

  • Baseball Bat Length: The typical baseball bat is 31 or 32 inches long from handle to bottom. At the very same time, the typical softball bat would be one inch longer, measuring 34 inches. 

A smaller, heavier bat will aid make a strong impact in the impact zone in baseball like Marucci Cat 7 BBCOR brand. When it comes to striking, the CAT 7 offers a smooth, consistent, and accurate stroke.

  • Softball Bat Length: Softball bats are about an inch taller than baseball bats in general. The typical softball bat is 34 inches in length, but the average regular bat is 33 inches long. Softball players seek a lengthier bat to help them cover more ground at the base.

Pros and Cons of Baseball Bat

Baseball bats, even though being significantly slightly shorter, weigh considerably more, it helps you to smash a quicker ball with much more force in your stroke.Baseball bats have significantly stronger grips to assist keep wood bats from shattering so easily.Because baseball bats are made of wood, the most significant disadvantage is the frequency with which they shatter.Wood bats shatter with continuous use as well as it will almost certainly have to be changed lots of times, rendering them a more expensive purchase.
Key Differences between Baseball Bats And Softball Bats

Pros and Cons of Softball Bat 

You can find 2 kinds of softball bats such as, those built for fastpitch softball and those suited for slow pitch.Softball bats are most often taller and lighter, allowing them significantly easier to throw.Bats for softball are nearly always made of metal.The barrel of a softball bat is somewhat thinner than that of a baseball bat. That helps to hit the ball effectively.The major disadvantage of a softball bat is that it can not be used for baseball. A softball bat is really not designed to endure the impact of a baseball, and it will most probably be destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

Frequently Asked Question 

Can You Use A Baseball Bat In Softball?

Generally, the answer is yes. But  this is merely for fun and training. Baseball bats will not be permitted in softball games by any official league. Because there are some crucial reasons such as,

  • Baseball bats are shorter and heavier but softball games need longer but lighter bats because baseball games need to hit strongly.
  • The barrel of softball is thinner because games don’t require a forceful hit whereas baseball needs a strong hit by a wider barrel.

Which Is The Ideal Bat Material: Wood Or Aluminum? 

Wood is better bat material than aluminum, but generally MLB players use wooden bats, other people can use whatever they want. 

Professional baseball players generally carry wooden bats, despite the fact that most casual baseball organizations, and also college and high school sports teams carry aluminum bats. 

What Are the Advantages of Using a Wooden Baseball or Softball Bat? 

The heaviness is the most significant modification for anyone who utilizes wooden bats instead of aluminum. The wooden hitting is more powerful and long-lasting.

There are many different types of wood to pick from. Maple is the most popular among professionals because of its strength and solidity. While birch isn’t invincible, it has higher flexibility for added strength and toughness for terrific bounce.

Is It Better To Buy A Baseball Bat Or A Softball Bat?

There are no differences in bats at the young stage, and the bat a player picks is entirely personal. The distinctions between bats are substantial at the advanced level, and the bat you select must be appropriate for the sport you’ll be playing. Choose a bat that is made for your competition.

There are various brands of baseball bats but you need to choose the best one wisely like Combat bats.


I always ended my training by talking about Softball bat vs Baseball bat with some key points that I said above. When you or your child is at youth level don’t be worried about the bats distinctions because at this stage both bats are the same. First you learn the games, practice more and more and then on the advanced level, choose your bat as per your league and games types. But before choosing the bat, make the bat reviews authentic and suitable for your games. You can make your own bat.

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