How to Wash a Baseball Hat – $0 DIY Trick 

Last Updated on February 15, 2023

Caps, caps, caps! Whether you’re a baseball coach or player, you wear them, or you just love to collect them, like the way I do. And a baseball freak doesn’t bother even if the price is over a hundred dollars. Instead, what makes you worried is how to wash a baseball hat.

After wearing it a few times, washing those sweaty baseball headgears is essential. Otherwise, they spread annoying bad odors and stains. However, when washing your hats, the main concern is not to ruin the shape or the brim.

In this post, I’m gonna share how I clean my 100+ baseball caps with common household items. The guide is divided into two washing methods: quick cleaning and deep cleaning. Let’s head into the content. 

How to Quickly Wash a Baseball Hat?

As you’re a baseball hustler, you don’t always have the time. You may just want to give it a quick clean sometimes. 

“Before you’re gonna start, you’ll need a few items. But don’t worry, most of these items you already have laying around the house. And even if you don’t, they are relatively inexpensive and available at your nearby superstore.” 

As you can see, in my hat, there’s a grease stain on the bill and sweat stains all around the crown and inside the cap. However, it’s not too bad. Getting this cap cleaned shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

Step 1: Make the Detergents Ready


Firstly, you need to fill up the spray bottle with water and detergent. Shake it enough to mix them well. 

“Since I’m using a 10-ounce spray bottle, I’m gonna need 3-4 ounces of detergent powder. Whether you use a smaller or bigger spray bottle, stick with the same ratio to avoid your cap full of suds.”

Fill up your small bowl about halfway full of water and leave your washing cloth soaking in there.

Step 2: Rub the Hat 


Before you even apply any cleaning solution to your cap, you need to give it a light brush to get any loose dirt or dust off the cap.

After thoroughly brushing the hat, start spraying the cleaning solution you made at home. Since it’s a deep cleaning method, don’t only concentrate on where the stains are. 

Make sure to do a whole section at a time. Start with the bill section, for instance.

Once you’ve sprayed enough solution to the bill part, begin brushing it. Remember, you just want to give it a light brush, don’t go too heavy-handed. Scrubbing too hard can cause the material to fray and defeat the purpose of keeping your hat looking new.

Step 3: Wipe the Hat with Cloths 

Whipping off the hat with a clean, dry cloth

If you’re done with the brushing, get your wet washing cloth, and wipe away all the residue of the cleaning solutions. 

Note that, at the time of whipping, squeeze the cloth a little and then wipe it away. In this way, you can clean the detergent water out of the section.

You just need to repeat the same process on the rest of your baseball hat

If you find a stubborn stain that doesn’t go away with the detergent, you’ll need some spot-cleaning treatments like Oxiclean. Just apply this to your detergent mixture. It’ll take care of the rest. 

“Spot cleaning treatments are heavy-duty chemicals. Applying these directly to your cap will eventually fade away the color.”

Step 4: Dry it Well

Drying a baseball cap on a folded towel to keep the shape

When you’re done with the whole cleaning process, now all that’s left to do is wait for it to dry. The good part is since you didn’t soak it in water, the drying process won’t take more than 25 minutes. 

You can also get a towel, bottle it up, and put it on the inside of the hat to help you keep the structure safe. 

After 20 minutes of drying, the cap got a brand new look again

How to Clean a Baseball Hat in the Washing Machine?

You may have heard many baseball players are afraid to wash their hats in the washing machine. Their main concern is that the machine will ruin its shape. However, following the below method, you can wash it in the washer or machine without ruining the form.

Step 1: Apply Hat Stain Remover

Applying hat stain cleaner spray

The first thing you need to do is get some stain remover solution spray. If you buy a powder form stain cleaner, just mix it with water and pour it into a spray bottle.

Soak the entire hat by spraying the remover on the outside and inside areas. Do it for 3-4 minutes.

Step 2: Soak the Hat in Warm Water

Soaking the hat in the warm water

Next, you’ve to get some warm water in a bowl. Don’t make the water too hot. Otherwise, it’ll harm the fabric of the baseball hat, especially ones with nets on the back. 

Then soak the hat in the water. Gently rub each section of the cap just using your fingers. Stay gentle and use a brush since you’re using hot water. A few minutes of rubbing would be enough.

Step 3: Set the Hat in a Cap Cage

Setting up the hat in a cap cage

Since you’re gonna clean the cap in the washing machine or washer, the intense circular pressure inside it would ruin the cap form, especially the brim. Hence, you need to use a hat cage to avoid the consequences.

Putting your hat inside a cap cage is easy. Just open it up and set the hat according to its shape. And lock the cage up. 

Now put the cap along with the cage inside your washing machine. I suggest adding some more household clothes to it. Otherwise, only the single cage will bang around in the machine. And since it’s made of metal, it’ll damage your machine.

Step 4: Set the Washing Machine 

Setting up the washing machine to clean a cap

For baseball caps, you need to adjust the preset settings of your machine. Power on the machine. Set the first cycle to the “Delicates” setting because you want it to pour in cold water. And then just start the machine. 

It’ll take about 30 minutes to complete the washing. When it’s done, bring the cage out and keep it for air drying. And you’re done!

How to Clean a Wool Baseball Cap?

Washing wool baseball caps requires slightly different attention, unlike the regular ones. Because of the high density of the fiber, it becomes tougher to clean wool baseball caps. Let’s take a tour of the instruction. 

Step 1: Get Yourself a Wool Cleaner

Unlike cotton baseball caps, you need a cleaner that’s specifically made for wool cloth cleaning. So, bring it home first. 

Step 2: Mix the Detergent and Water

Mixing the detergents and water

Now get a medium-sized bucket and pour it with cold water. Apply some wool cleaning solution in the water and mix it well. 

“Follow the instructions on the detergent bottle to find the correct amount of solution. Usually, it’s 1 to 1.5 tablespoons. Soak the cap in the water and leave it for 6 minutes.” 

Step 3: Rub the Stains 

Soaking and rubbing the stains on the hat

In terms of stains, you need to clean them with a soft bristle brush like the quick cleaning method. You can use a toothbrush, also. Wool hat fabrics are sensitive. So, avoid scrubbing too hard.

“If it’s just sweat stains, use your hands to rub the spot with another part of the cap. You can remove the light stains this way. “

Step 4: Rinse with Cool Water

Rinsing the wool hat with cool water

When the rubbing is done, it’s time to clean the cap with cold water. Just drop the dirty water out of the bucket and pour it with some cap water. 

Then rinse the cap in the water multiple times. Change the water, pour fresh water and rinse it again until the suds are completely gone away from the cap.

Step 5: Dry the Cap Well 

Drying a wool hat after washing

Another notable problem with wool hats is they tend to lose their shape easily because of the soft frame. And it mostly happens for wrong drying methods.

To avoid this mistake, get yourself a round-shaped object. It can be either your baseball glove, ball, or any household stuff. You just make sure the wool cap sets on it perfectly, holding its shape of it. And lastly, dry it with an air dryer.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Will Cleaning a Baseball Hat in the Washer Ruin It?

Cleaning your baseball hat may ruin its shape if you don’t follow the proper methods. For example, when cleaning a hat in a washing machine or dryer, you mustn’t put it directly without a cap cage. 

How do you dry a cap after washing it?

To properly dry a baseball hat, first, place it in a mesh bag. You can either hang the hat from a hook or stand it up on the end. Make sure the bill of the hat is facing down, so the water doesn’t get inside. Then turn your heat on to high and let the hat dry for at least 24 hours. Make sure to flatten any wrinkles before storing them.

Will a washer ruin a snapback hat?

Well, a washer can ruin your snapback hat if washed like a random cloth. You need to use a hat cage to store it inside and then put it into the washer for cleaning purposes.

How often should you clean a hat?

Your baseball hats’ cleaning interval depends on how often and how rough you use them. If you use these caps for baseball practice sessions, it’s better to wash them at least every week. Otherwise, it’ll spread bad smells. Also, the stains of both dirt and sweat get stuck permanently.

Can I use baking soda to clean a hat?

Yes, you can use baking soda, which is also known as sodium bicarbonate, to wash your baseball hat. This ingredient helps to clean the fabric as well as remove bad smells. Baking sodas are also great for brightening your hat.

Is it better to wash a hat in the dishwasher or washing machine?

Both the dishwasher and washing machine can be used for washing your baseball hats. However, it’s better if you clean it in the dishwasher because the extreme spinning action inside a washing machine is a bit risky and may ruin the hat. 

And if you use a hat cage, there’s another chance the metal cage may harm your machine if put in without other clothes.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, there are numerous methods of how to wash a baseball hat. I’ve shared 2 friendliest and most effective methods in this article. The quick cleaning method is applicable if you’ve spare time to clean the hat.

If you want to clean it automatically, wash it using your home washing machine. But you must use a hat cage, therefore. And lastly, when it comes to washing wool caps, use warm water and stain remover that’s specifically made for the fabric.