Last Updated on December 24, 2023
Unlike other park bag policies, Truist Park bag policy is a little different, and people may find it unreliable, which I also found last year. However, as a visitor, you must obey their laws and rules if you want to enjoy the game inside the Truist PaRK.
So, what is the Truist Park bag policy? All types of typical bags are prohibited in Truist Park. There are some exceptions for some particular aspects, like medical equipment bags, diaper bags, etc.
However, in this Truist Park bag policy guide, I will cover everything about the permitted and prohibited bags. I will also discuss other policies you must know before entering Truist Park. So, let’s begin.
Truist Park Bag Policy- Update 2023
Truist Park authority prohibits all types of bags from being carried inside Truist Park. The rule will be sustained if any further declaration comes in the future.
However, though all bags are prohibited in normal situations, there are some exceptions. Here are the scenarios when you can carry a bag inside Truist Park.
Please note that you can only carry the bags that are listed under
the following categories.
Medical Bags Are Allowed
If you are under any medical condition that requires medical equipment when moving, you can bring your medical equipment bags.
Diaper Bags Are Allowed
If you have your babies, and they require diapers while outing, you can bring their diaper bags. There’s no issue with the size, then.
Breast Feeding Pump Bags Are Allowed
Many mothers need to pump their breast milk for their children under milk nursing. In this case, they need to keep their breast pump bags with them while moving with the kids.
In this case, nursing mothers can carry their breast pump equipment bags with them inside Truist Park.
People with ADA Needs Can Bring Their Bags
People under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can bring their bags that are required to carry their tools. So, whatever the bag size or type, there are no issues with those.
5-inch x 9-inch Clutches Are Allowed
You can bring your clutches with you inside Truist Park. But they must be equal to or smaller than 5” x 9”. Any clutches exceeding this size aren’t permitted to be brought inside Truist Park.
But, the clutch must have a single compartment.
5-inch x 9-inch Transparent Bags Are Allowed
Like clutches, you can bring clear bags that are smaller than or equal to 5” x 9”. The clear bag also must have a single compartment.
No Hard-Sided Coolers, Only Soft-Sided Ones
As the names suggest, you can’t bring any hard-sided cooler inside Truist Park. Only soft-sided coolers are permitted. But they also must not contain plastic liners.
All baggage is subject to inspection at the gates while entering the park. Also, all fans entering the park are considered to consent to being screened via metal detectors.
Truist Park gate security uses walk-through and handheld metal detectors while entering the park.
See More: Oracle Park Bag Policy
Where to Store My Bags Near Truist Park?
I also was tangled last year while coming to Truist Park without checking their bag policy. So, this incident forced me to study the bag policies of all ballparks in the USA.
However, there is a solution if you have just come with oversized bags unintentionally or you just need to bring them.
Truist Park features a mobile locker for bag storage. A privately held company named Battery Atlanta offers a temporary bag storage facility in Truist Park.
The mobile locker is situated at Power Alley behind Live at The Battery Atlanta. The storage capacity is limited, and you have to come first to get served first.
The storage opens two hours before the game starts. So, the sooner you come, the better the chance you will get the opportunity to store your oversized or not-permitted bags.
By the way, you must pay $11 per bag for the storage. Also, the payment increases if the event is a concert, not a baseball game. In this case, you have to pay $15 per bag.
Read Also: Fenway Park Bag Policy
Truist Park Food and Drink Policy: You Can Bring These Food!
I have found some baseball parks around the USA that don’t allow outside food inside the park. Fortunately, Truist Park is among the ones that allow outside food to be brought.
But there is a particular rule for this. You have to bring a gallon-sized and transparent food container. Your food containers must be visible inside from the outside.
Also, you can bring a sealed plastic water bottle. However, you can take one food container and one bottle of water with you. That means one food container and one water bottle per ticket.
But, there is another good news for those who really need a special diet, need to have frequent diets, or are infants or children. In these cases, you can bring more food and water.
By the way, Truist Park security will check your food container and water bottle before entering the park gates.
You can Bring Your Service Animals.
Baseball parks are always mindful of allowing service animals inside the parks. In this regard, Truist Park isn’t an exception. So, you can bring your service animals with you inside the parks to help the disabled.
Trained dogs and, sometimes, miniature horses are defined as service animals recognized by federal law.
However, you have to keep your service animals leashed. Also, for the service animals, there is an exit and re-entry facility as well. If your animals need to be freed for reasons, you have contact with the security of the park or the Park Greeters.
Aside from service animals, all kinds of animals are prohibited from bringing and entering the park with them.
You may check the Target Field Bag Policy too.
Banner, Signs, and Apparel Policy of Truist Park
You can bring banners and signs inside Truist Park. But, there are several precise rules for banners and signs. Check the following checklists before choosing a banner or sign to bring inside Truist Park.
- Banners and signs must be made of flexible material. They must be paper, clothes, or any other soft and flexible materials that don’t pose any danger to the public.
- You can only show the banners and signs in areas where they won’t obstruct paid advertisements. You will also be careful that the banners and signs don’t obstruct the signage of the park or impede the operation of Truist Park.
- The banners can obstruct the view of any person.
- Make sure the banners and signs don’t interfere with the sight of the umpires and any players.
- The banners and signs must not contain any vulgar, negative, obscene, or slanderous messages or scenes. Ensure the banners’ messages don’t hurt people or don’t contain any peace-braking messages.
- The banners and signs must not contain any commercial advertisements. Make sure they also don’t contain any commercial service or product identifications.
In terms of apparel, your wear must not contain any message, the same as the banners and signs. The Truist Park Authority is always determined to ensure a family-friendly atmosphere inside the park.
Cameras and Video Recorders Policy of Truist Park
Like banners and signs, you also can bring cameras and video recorders/camcorders inside Truist Park. But there are rules here.
Check the following rules, and ensure you obey these before taking your cameras and video recorders inside Truist Park.
- Cameras and video recorders must be hand-held.
- You must ensure the camera lenses are sized a maximum of 5”.
- Don’t bring any tripods or monopods. They are prohibited.
- Don’t try to reproduce the game. This is strictly prohibited and subject to imposed legal action.
- Don’t bother any fans with your cameras, and don’t obstruct their sight.
- Make sure the camera size fits in the permitted bag size I previously discussed.
See Also: Citizens Bank Park Bag Policy
The Guest Code of Conduct to Follow! These Are Must-Following Codes
See, every well-directed and maintained organization has its own code of conduct. People related to the organization must follow the code of conduits to ensure the safety, security, and discipline of the organization.
As a well-organized authority, the Atlanta Brave Authority for Truist Park designed some code of conduct to obey.
As a lawful citizen of the country, you must follow the codes. So, check out the following actions that are prohibited by anyone inside Truist Park.
- Unlawful, inappropriate, disruptive, abusive behavior.
- Smoking
- Betting
- Abusive speeches
- Possessing or holding drugs
- No alcohol from the outside
- loitering, soliciting, reselling tickets, and engaging in prohibited commercial operations, such as parking or driving a car with a wrap, decal, or other form of advertisement
- Holding or possessing weapons, including guns, knives, and attacking objects
- Criminal activities
- Activities related to pornography, violence, gang symbols, discrimination, etc.
- Being naked
- Flying drones, fighting, threat-making
- Using abusive language
- Not sitting in their own seats.
- Cycling, skating, board riding, motorized vehicle riding in restricted areas
- Removing, ruining, defacing, destroying, or leaving behind trash
- Distributing information, doing demonstrations, conducting interviews, or making expert-level images, movies, or audio recordings without getting the Braves’ permission.
People Also Ask
Here are some relevant queries people may want to know about the rules and policies of Truist Park.
1. How can I report any security issues at Truist Park?
You will find police and security personnel around the park for the security and safety of the park, players, authorities, and visitors. You can directly approach them. Or you can text the issues at 404-614-1599.
Also, During games, the Cobb County Police Department has a precinct there. The East Side of the ballpark’s Left Field Gate is where you’ll find the precinct.
So, you can approach this as well.
2. Can I bring a personal radio or television set?
Yes, you can. But you have to ensure you have a headphone so that your device’s sound won’t disturb any other visitors or fans.
3. What is the consequence of ticket reselling of Truist Park?
You can’t resell tickets within 2,700 feet radius of the park. If caught by the law enforcement team, the people involved with the activity are subject to arrest.
4. Can I bring strollers inside Truist Park?
If you bring a stroller, it must be foldable and have to be placed under your assigned seat. Otherwise, you must check it at the Guest Services booth at Section 111 or 314.
The assigned personnel will take the further decision then.
5. Can I bring my umbrella to the park?
Yes, you can bring an umbrella. But, you are requested to consider other guests around you so that it won’t harm anyone.
6. What is Truist Park capacity?
The initial Truist Park capacity was 41,149 when it was first opened in 2017. However, after the 2017 MLB season, the Truist Park Authority made some changes and reduced the capacity to 41,084.
By the way, the highest recorded attendance of the regular season is 43,619.
Closing Note
So, now you know the Truist Park bag policy in detail. Alongside, I have covered other rules and policies so that you can find them together, which would be helpful for you.
However, if you try to break any laws, rules, or policies, you can’t enter the park. So, as a baseball enthusiast and lawful citizen, you should obey the policies to enjoy a joyful game.

Hello everyone. My name is Jason Butler, and I live in California, America. I was a professional AAA Minor League Baseball player. I lost my chance of playing MLB for injury issues, but I did not lose my love for baseball. I attended the coaching training program and am now working as a coach in a small school in San Diego.
I always love to share my experience and knowledge if that can help you. Play baseball, and stay fit.