Can Pitchers Fake a Pickoff Attempt? Know the Rules from a Coach

There are a bunch of rules in baseball games. Probably when it comes to the pitcher, the number increases. 

Among all rules, the picking off rule is one of the most talked about. The question mostly arises, “Can Pitchers Fake a Pickoff Attempt?”

Okay, the answer should be explained. Because, in some cases, pitchers can do fake pickoffs. And in some other cases, they are not allowed. 

This guide will answer all the questions that confuse people about the fake pickoff. Also will talk about when a pitcher can pickoff attempt to different bases. 

What Is Faking Pickoff in Baseball?

What Is Faking Pickoff in Baseball

Before knowing the faking pickoff, knowing the definition of pickoff will ease the thing understanding. 

Pickoff is the act that a pitcher takes between the live pitches to basemen so that the basemen can tag out the baserunner(s). Pickoff attempts are taken to bluff the runners so that they don’t try to advance for the next base(s).

According to MLB Official Definition,

A pickoff occurs between pitches when a pitcher throws a ball to a fielder, who eventually puts out or assists in retiring an opposing baserunner. An illegal pickoff attempt results in a balk.

When a pitcher throws to a base between pitches in an attempt to get an out or keep a runner close to the base, it’s known as a pickoff attempt.

Sometimes pitchers attempt to pick off but don’t do that. The baseball field umpire determines this deceiving act as a fake pickoff or balks. 

Can Pitchers Fake a Pickoff Attempt?- 

The Second Base

A pitcher can only fake a pickoff to the second base

To be simple, the pitcher can only fake a pickoff to the second base. If you are a regular fan of baseball, you must have seen the pitcher often pretend to throw the ball to the second base. 

You could be questioning if a pitcher is capable of doing so or not at this point. Yes, the question has already been answered. It is possible for a pitcher to fake a pickoff all the way to second base.

In this case, his attempt will not be considered a balk. 

According to the baseball official rule book,

“The pitcher only can fake a throw to the second base. But, by this time, there must also be a baserunner on the second base. Except occupying the second base by a baserunner, the fake pickoff will be considered a balk.”

Can you fake a pickoff without stepping forward to the second base? You cannot do this action at all. When the pitcher wants to try to fake a pickoff, he has to move his feet forward to second base.

The pick-off baseball rules are precisely mentioned in the baseball official rulebook.

The MLB rule Rule 6.02(a)(3) says, 

“A pitcher is to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base and is required to throw (except to second base) because he steps. 

It is a balk if, with runners on first and third, the pitcher steps toward third and does not throw, merely to bluff the runner back to third; then seeing the runner on first start for second, turn and step toward and throw to first base. 

It is legal for a pitcher to feint a throw to second base.”

By the way, in most games, the pitcher will use a gimmick to make it appear as like they have picked off a runner at second base. In most situations, he will attempt to throw. At this point in the game, the second baseman and the shortstop are acting as though they are about to dive in order to catch the ball.

But the pitcher doesn’t throw the ball. When the baserunner on the second base thinks he can make a run to the third base, he gets tricked then. Normally, in many cases, the runner on the second base gets tagged out. 

You can see the trick mentioned above in the following video. 

But yeah, this trick is not universal. This is not fixed, and the trick will always work. 

Additional Read: Pitching drills for Accuray.

Can Pitchers Fake a Pickoff Attempt to Other Bases?

Aside from the second base, two bases also have rules for a fake pickoff attempt. What are the perceptions of these two? Can a pitcher fake a pickoff to first and third bases? Let’s see the rules for them. 

The First Base

Figure 03- The Pitcher can’t fake a pickoff to the first base

Can a pitcher fake a throw to first base? To be bold, no, a pitcher can’t fake a pickoff to the first base. When a pitcher is on the pitching rubber, he is entirely forbidden to fake a throw to the first base. 

But, if he wants to do so, he can, but he needs to remove his feet from the pitching rubber. 

As soon as he steps off of the pitching rubber, the pitcher is considered an infielder. It is no longer a violation for an infielder to pretend to throw the ball.

This all means a pitcher can’t fake a pickoff to the first base in any way. 

The pick off baseball rules MLB rulebook 6.02(a)(3) says,

“A pitcher is to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base and is required to throw (except to second base) because he steps.”

The Third Base

The Pitcher can't also fake a pickoff to the third base

Okay, the rule is the same as the bases of 1st and 3rd pick off moves. A pitcher is not allowed to fake a pickoff attempt to the third base as a pitcher. But he can do it by stepping off his foot from the pitching rubber. 

That means as a fielder. 

So if the question is, can pitchers fake a pickoff attempt to the third base, the answer is “no.” 

But, prior to the 2013 MLB season, pitchers could fake pickoffs to the third base. 

Prior to the MLB season of 2013, pitchers could follow the “fake-to-third, throw-to-first” attempt. Though this was not that effective, the pitchers often did it. 

Jeff Nelson uses the fake third-to-first throw to pick off Manny Alexander at second:

Many baseball players and baseball analysts believed that this allowance broke the balk rule’s objective to prevent the runners’ deception. As a result, this got also prohibited in the 2013 MLB season. 

The pick off rules to third base is the same as the first one in the baseball rule book.

MLB rule 6.02 (a)(3) says,

“A pitcher is to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base and is required to throw (except to second base) because he steps.”

Now, what about the “fake-to-third, throw-to-first” attempt in different leagues? Is it okay? 

For most high school baseball games, this is yet legal to fake to the third and throw to the first base immediately. 

But in many professional leagues, it’s illegal though. 

What Happens if a Pitcher Fakes a Throw Illegally?

If the Pitcher fake a pickoff illegally, it will be called a balk

After having such rules against the fake pickoff, do you think pitchers try to do this? Yep, pitchers are human beings, and they make mistakes. 

Due to the mistakes, they also get punished. When a fake attempt is taken place, it is immediately called a balk by the umpire. 

So, what is the result of balk? 

When a balk is called, all runners on the occupied bases are awarded advancement to their consecutive next bases. 

Even a balk could be a walk-off balk which could make the offensive team win the game. 

Illegal Pick Off Moves to Second Base

As the fake pickoff is allowed to the second base, is there any situation that makes the pitcher must pitch the ball to the batter? 

Yes, there is a rule when the pitcher must pitch the ball to the batter instead of making a fake pickoff to the second base. 

According to the baseball rulebook rule 6.02(a), the pitcher must make the pitch when he makes any natural movement of his body while he touches the pitching mound. Otherwise, it will be a balk. 

The exact rule is, 

“The pitcher, while touching his plate, makes any motion naturally associated with his pitch and fails to make such a delivery. “

Rule 6.02(a)(1) Comment says, 

“If a left-handed or right-handed pitcher swings his free foot past the back edge of the pitcher’s rubber, he is required to pitch to the batter except to throw to second base on a pick-off play.”

Can Pitchers Fake a Pitch?

No, the rule is the same for a balk. If the pitcher moves when he is on the pitching mound and fails to pitch the ball, it will be called a balk. 

As a result of the balk, the baserunners on the bases will be awarded advancement for the next bases. And the ball will be considered a dead ball. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can pitchers fake a pitch?

No, a pitcher cannot fake a pitch. If he starts his natural move for pitching, he must throw the ball. Otherwise, it will be called a balk by the umpire. 

2. Does a pickoff attempt count as a pitch?

No, the pickoff attempt is not counted as a pitch of pitchers. 

3. Can a pitcher fake a throw to second?

Yes, a pitcher can fake a pickoff to the second base. Basically, it is the only base where a pitcher can fake a pickoff to. 

4. Can you balk before you come set?

There is nothing about getting set or not. If you step on the mipitching rubber, you must go forward and pitch the ball. Otherwise, it will be a balk. 

Wrap Up

Among all other players, the pitchers might have the most rules as I mentioned before. This is why pitchers also make more mistakes than others. 

When it comes to whether can pitchers fake a pickoff attempt, things need to be more clarified to the pitcher. As he can’t fake a pickoff to the first and third base, he often makes the mistake to fake a pickoff to the first. 

More specifically, younger pitchers make this mistake more frequently. As result, you must keep remembering the rules so that mistakes don’t happen. 

I hope this guide gave you clear and concise information about the pitcher’s pickoff attempt. 

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